iGADI Annual Report 2022-2023: Globalización e multipolaridade en tempos de Guerra

We celebrate Galician Literature Day 2023 publishing the sixteenth edition of the IGADI Annual Report 22-23

O IAR 2022-2023 “Globalización e multipolaridade en tempos de Guerra” achégase ás consecuencias de 15 meses de invasión da Ucraína por Rusia e aos posibles escenarios de futuro na sociedade internacional, marcados por un 2024 que comezará en xaneiro coas eleccións en Taiwán...

The IAR 2022-2023 “Globalization and multipolarity in times of war” approaches the consequences of 15 months of the invasion of Ukraine by Russia and the possible future scenarios in international society, marked by 2024 that will begin in January with the elections in Taiwan.

The yearbook has the participation of 12 researchers and analysts, from Galicia, Ukraine, India, Brazil or Japan, focusing the attention in the main global events of 2022 that are shaping 2023 and 2024 that we have on the horizon.

The consequences of the War cross the keys in our 2022 analysys and the perspectives for 2023-2024, both in the geographical areas (Ukraine, India, Japan, Lusofonia, and the Latin American integration) and in the transversal areas (end of globalization?, new economic order in march, pacifism, biotechnology, artificial intelligence and diaspora and agenda 2030).

The IAR concludes with the identification of the Characters of the year 2022: Francia Márquez, Nancy Pelosi, Giorgia Melloni, Mahma Madi and Lula da Silva, which we aim to distinguish by linking to the themes, keys and perspectives that we present throughout the report.

The IAR 22-23, IGADI’s yearbook of international relations and global politics, is published to accompany the tribute to Paco Fernández del Riego and the celebration of Galician Literature Day 2023.

You can download here the IGADI Annual Report 2022-2023 (in gallician), which for the sixteenth year has the collaboration of the General Secretariat of Linguistic Policy of the Xunta de Galicia.