Issue 49 of IGADI’s semiannual journal continues the discussions from the conference “Regional and Local Governments: Weaving Relationships on the International Scene,” organized in April 2024 by the Plural Diplomacies Group of the Spanish Political Science Association, at the Faculty of Public Management and Administration on the Pontevedra Campus of the University of Vigo.
The selected articles delve into the history, current developments, and evolution of sub-state governments’ foreign action, particularly since the 2014 and 2015 Spanish laws on Foreign Action and the Foreign Service. In addition to the five articles in the special section—contributions from Euskadi, Extremadura, Galicia, and Portugal—Tempo Exterior 49 features a Miscellaneous section that explores Taiwan’s experience with innovation policies and a study on the prospects and challenges of the China-EU-Latin America triad. In the Research Notes, Marta Caramés offers a panoramic view of the foreign action of Spain’s autonomous communities, using a comparative perspective that complements the central monograph by addressing the overall impact of the 2014 and 2015 laws on Foreign Action and the Foreign Service. Lastly, the Books section concludes the issue with two fascinating recommendations.
With Tempo Exterior 49, the journal continues its fourth historical phase under the direction of University of Vigo professor Celso Cancela, supported by an Editorial Board comprised of professors from Galicia’s three universities and a Scientific Council featuring researchers from 12 countries across Europe, the Americas, and Asia.
This issue is published with the advertising support of the Concello de Pontevedra, the Concello de Santiago de Compostela, and the collaboration of the Xunta de Galicia’s Secretariat for Language Policy. Download it here in galician.