O IGADI participa no Consello de Acción Exterior de Galicia desde a súa creación no 2009.


We are a Galician think tank of international studies since 1991, founded by Xulio Ríos and aligned with the principles of the United Nations.

  • Who are we

    Who are weIdeas and Ideals to be Us in the WorldThe Galician Institute of International Analysis and Documentation (IGADI, for its Galician name, Instituto Galego de Análise e Documentación Internacional) is an independent think tank and an association of international studies founded in 1991. We have a twofold purpose: to reflect on the problems and trends of contemporary international society and to advocate for a greater insertion of Galicia in the world at all levels.The IGADI is a community of knowledge that carries out its work with a vocation for public service, from a plural activity. It intends to establish itself as a meeting place, where all sensibilities and disciplines can develop and converse in a loyal and complicit way, in line with our founding mission.The IGADI has managed to define its own profile in a 30-year trajectory with different results and projects that should be highlighted: the definition of the first White Paper on Galician Foreign Action, the magazine Tempo Exterior, the annual reports on Galician international policy and foreign action, the Observatory of Chinese Policy, the Galician Observatory of Lusophone, the Plácido Castro Foundation and the Galician Fund for Cooperation and Solidarity.The IGADI is a continuation of the universalist and deeply humanist tradition of historical Galicianism, which promotes an international system based on the principles of the United Nations. Here, cooperation and collaboration prevail over confrontation and conflict. Galician society can find in IGADI a collaborating entity for its foreign action strategies and international projection, following the 2030 Agenda.[fillas]
    igadi 30aniversario matrioska
  • IGADI Network

    As a knowledge community specialising in international studies, IGADI's associated researchers specialise in thematic and geographic areas. They can be Senior Researchers (those who have a consolidated and historical relationship of decades with the IGADI), Principal Researchers (Research Line Coordinators), Associate Researchers (PhD researchers or with more than a decade of experience in international analysis) and Junior Researchers (new researchers and PhD and Master students).Researcher profiles and thematic filtersManaging CommitteeBoardResearch CouncilResearchers and associate researchersTempo Exterior Journal editorial committeTempo Exterior Research CommitteePartnershipsTraineesips[pessoal vincu='xunta-directiva'][pessoal vincu='consello-reitor'][pessoal vincu='consello-de-investigacion'][pessoal vincu='investigadorxs-asociadxs'][pessoal vincu='consello-redaccion-te'][pessoal vincu='consello-cientifico-te'][pessoal vincu='colaboracions'][pessoal vincu='practicas']Researcher profiles and geographic filtersInternationa Relationsand GeopoliticsParadiplomacyInternational Cooperation and Agenda 2030EconomyEuropean UnionObservatory of Chinese PoliticsGallician Observatory of LusophonyObservatorio das Diásporas[pessoal inves='relacions-internacionais-e-xeopolitica'][pessoal inves='paradiplomacia'][pessoal inves='cooperacion-internacional-e-axenda-2030'][pessoal inves='economia'][pessoal inves='union-europea'][pessoal inves='observatorio-de-la-politica-china'][pessoal inves='observatorio-galego-da-lusofonia'][pessoal inves='observatorio-das-diasporas']

    Centre for Contemporary International Information and DocumentationThe Centre for Contemporary International Information and Documentation (CIDIC) was created in 1991 as the IGADI’s tool for documentation and research. It has a newspaper library with more than a hundred periodicals on international affairs. CIDIC is currently undergoing a reformulation, and its library is accessible to its members, researchers, collaborators and any person or entity that wishes to visit it. The CIDIC also hosts the IGADI collection and historical archive 1991-2021.Between 1997 and 2019, the CIDIC published a quarterly digital Bulletin of Summaries with the publications received during the period. Between 2004 and 2009, the CIDIC organised a daily press archive, which does not exist today. CIDIC is a specialised centre with a reference archive of publications in the field of international studies, unique in Galicia. The CIDIC is made up of journals, some of them in book format and others in magazine format, with a total of 169 issues, as follows.
    3. CIDIC
  • Alliances

    The IGADI has created an ecosystem of alliances in Galicia and worldwide with entities of different natures with which it maintains stable relationships in different areas: universities, research institutes, associations and foundations…
  • Transparency

    As persoas: Xunta Directiva, Consello Reitor, Consello de Redacción e Científico Tempo Exterior, Investigadores asociados. Estatutos e documentos orgánicos.Memorias BalancesContratos con institucións públicas 2021, 2022 (…)[fillas]
  • Prácticas en IGADI

  • Aviso legal

  • Política de privacidade

    A través da nosa política de privacidade poñémolo en conta das condicións adecuadas de uso desta web.
  • Termos de uso