IGADI: To understand the world from here, to project Galicia in the international context

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We publish our Annual Report on international relations and global politics. The 17th edition “Elections and Wars shaping multipolarity” is available.

Under the title “Elections and Wars shaping multipolarity” the yearbook presents the Keys of 2023 and the Perspectives of 2024, accompanied by 10 analyses classified by geographical and transversal areas that address the new nature and forms of multipolarity in progress, a process that IGADI Annual Report has been portraying since 2008.

The 2023-2024 yearbook has the participation of 12 IGADI researchers and analysts from Galicia, USA, Mexico or Argentina. They put a magnifying glass on the main global events of 2023, which are shaping 2024. The IAR concludes indentifying the People of the year 2023: Prigozhin, Jennifer Hermoso, Elon Musk, Binyamin Netanyahu and Javier Milei

Thus, the current year is marked by the interaction between elections in 70 countries and the rise of security conflicts around five continents. In the final horizon of this global electoral year, the November 5th elections in the United States will define a strong framework for the understanding of the next years.

We will present it publicly with editors and analysts, next May 6th at 12:30 at the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela.

You can download here the IGADI Annual Report 2023-2024 (galician), which, for the seventeenth year, has the collaboration of the General Secretariat of Linguistic Policy of the Xunta de Galicia.

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foto carolina

Carolina Foundation and IGADI sign an agreement to promote the scientific use of Galician

For the development of this objective, the documents exchanged will be accessible for free download from the respective platforms of the Carolina Foundation and the IGADI Tempo Exterior Journal. For the development of this objective, the documents exchanged will be accessible for free download from the respective platforms of the Carolina Foundation and IGADI’s Tempo Exterior Journal. The themes of the chosen articles will be linked to the convergent lines of research between the Carolina Foundation Studies and Analysis area and IGADI. In themes such as international cooperation, multilateralism, regionalism, or relations between the European Union and Latin America the authors will be academics from Ibero-American countries.

In the meeting to formalize this cooperation mechanism, Érika Rodríguez Pinzón, director, and Andrea Mila-Maldonado, researcher in the Studies and Analysis area, participated on behalf of the Carolina Foundation. For IGADI, Daniel González Palau, director, and Celso Cancela, director of Tempo Exterior Journal,.

The Carolina Foundation is a non-profit public-private institution that promotes cultural relations and cooperation in educational and scientific matters between Spain and the countries of the Ibero-American Community of Nations. Founded in 2000, its goal is to strengthen the ties between these nations through scholarship programs, courses, research, and joint projects. The Carolina Foundation deploys activities in areas such as higher education, culture, science and research.

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IGADI - La Agenda 2030 y el diálogo China-Iberoamérica

IGADI and the Academy of Global Governance & Area Studies from Guandong University of Technology launch “2030 Agenda and the China-IberoAmerica dialogue”

The publication originates from the founding mission of IGADI to spread the thinking of United Nations, as well as the shared work of our lines of research and analysis in International Cooperation and 2030 Agenda and the China Politics Observatory.

Under these premises, twenty-one specialists, eleven from China and ten from Ibero-American countries answered the following questions: How does China understand the 2030 Agenda of United Nations? How is the 2030 Agenda applied and in what state is it in Iberoamerican countries? Which areas within the 2030 Agenda would be most appropriate to increase alliances between China and IberoAmerica for common challenges?

The publication combines the analysis of the development state of the 2030 Agenda together with articles analyzing the Chinese proposal of the Community of Shared Destiny, in relevant topics such as world economic order, artificial intelligence, university cooperation or language translation… showing the convergences with the 2030 Agenda.

In the cradle of the collaboration between IGADI and the Academy of Global Governance & Area Studies of the Guangdong University of Technology, Objective 17 of the 2030 Agenda is a core element, this being the promotion of alliances with the aim of achieving peaceful and prosperous development in an interconnected and interdependent world.

The United Nations Summit of the Future is an opportunity to improve international cooperation, addressing critical challenges and gaps in global governance. It will be held on September 23 and 24 under the title “Multilateral solutions for a better world”.

You can download the publication in Spanish (and two articles in portuguese) from this link.

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Sign up for the 14th edition of the International Electronic Symposium on Chinese Politics (March 21 and 22)

The XIV edition gives continuity to the objectives of the thirteen previous editions of the Symposium, in the desire to open up knowledge and debate on the situation of the Asian giant after the celebration of the lianghui (which begin on March 4), the annual sessions of the People’s Political Consultative Conference Chinese and the National People’s Assembly.

21 researchers from 8 Ibero-American countries will participate in the Symposium presenting their reports, approaching thematically political, cultural or economic elements of the China of 2024, paying special attention to the Ibero-American dialogue with China.

You can check the program on the website of the China Politics Observatory and register for it for free.

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"Acelerar a acción climática nunha década crítica" por Veiras García, Xosé
Veiras García, Xosé

Acelerar a acción climática nunha década crítica

Apartados xeográficos Others
No combate á crise climática estamos hai décadas instalados nun permanente “agora ou nunca”. Cómpre actuarmos “agora” para evitarmos un quecemento global agravado. Se a adopción en 1992 da Convención Marco da ONU sobre Cambio Climático tivese sido o comezo dunha vigorosa acción climática hoxe non estariamos a tentar non exceder o límite de 1,5ºC de aumento da temperatura media global con respecto á época preindustrial, senón outro ben inferior e menos prexudicial, pois cada décima de grao importa moito.
"A diplomacia deportiva: Das turbulencias no 2023 aos Xogos Olímpicos de París 2024" por Álvarez Ares, Marta
Álvarez Ares, Marta

A diplomacia deportiva: Das turbulencias no 2023 aos Xogos Olímpicos de París 2024

Apartados xeográficos Europe
Un 2023 sen os coñecidos mega-eventos deportivos non significou, en absoluto, baleiro de diplomacia deportiva. Para os deportistas, o ano preolímpico serve para lograr clasificacións e postos nos rankings cara aos Xogos. Paralelamente, os países empregaron a diplomacia deportiva para definir posicións nun contexto internacional convulso, como se estivesen, en certa forma, escalando postos nunha clasificación segundo o seu poder, seleccionando os seus equipos ou definindo os seus rivais.
Concello de Pontevedra

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