In the frame of this relation, the past 4 October Javier Parrondo (Director of Casa Asia) and Daniel Gonzalez Palau (Director of the IGADI), signed in Barcelona a General Protocol. Between his aims stand out the consolidation of the Observatory of the Chinese Politics, the participation of initiatives in the frame of the politics of external action of Galicia, or the promotion of academic bonds and socioculturales between Latin America and Asia.
Activities 2023
● 10 November, Conference “Ferrol in the world: Latin America and the dialogue Orient-Occident”.
From the 10h in the Faculty of Humanities of the Ferrol Campus
● 13 November, Conference Catedra Jean Monnet of the University of Vigo “European Grandstand: you relate Them European Union-China”
Hour and place: 11:30h, Classroom 15 of the Faculty of Direction and Public Management, Campus of Pontevedra of the University of Vigo.
Presents: Celso Cancels, Professor of Political Science of the University of Vigo
Takes part: Raquel Isamara León of Rosa, Director of the Observatory of the Chinese Politics, Benemérita Autonomous University of Populate, Mexico.
● 13 November, Conference “Feminisms in China”.
Hour and place: 20h, Casa das Campás, University of Vigo.
Presents: Marola Padín Novas, Vicedirectora IGADI
Takes part: Raquel Isamara León of Rosa, Director of the Observatory of the Chinese Politics, Benemérita Autonomous University of Puebla, Mexico.
● 16 November, Presentation of the book “Chibérica”, with the participation of Xulio Ríos (Founder and Honorary President of igadi) and Jorge Tavares da Silva (Journal Tempo Exterior)
Hour and place: 19h, Centro Casa Asia-Madrid (Calle Mayor, 69 Madrid)